We are looking to give back to the community and support any local charity or voluntary organisation this year. As such we will be donating Free Charity Wristbands in the form of doubling any order placed until the end of the year. The DOUBLE UP SCHEME is open for any registered charitable organisations based in Malta or Gozo. The last year or so has been tough on everyone as restrictions meant that we could not meet loved ones or go about life as usual. With the vaccine progress continuing at great speed we hope that most of the COVID restrictions will start to be eased in the coming months. That gives us all hope that our lives will return to some form of normality in the near future.
While the education and tourism sector had many voices speaking up for them, it seemed to us that voluntary work also suffered greatly and little was mentioned about their hardship. The crucial initiatives that are run such as fundraising events or sponsored activities had to be cancelled and as such many charities have been unable to raise funds for their various causes. We truly hope that silicone wristbands can be used by any beneficiary of the scheme once events are allowed to take place again. Typically they are used to either raise awareness or to raise funds for a particular cause. Full details about the Double Up Scheme can be found below, together with how you or your organisation can apply.

Charity Wristbands
Lockdown measures effected businesses, schools and every walk of life for much of the last year and they will continue to do so until full vaccination is achieved. Volunteer organisations and NGOs may have had to cut budgets and staff and cancel regular events that normally would take place regularly. All charities will have been effected negatively, from the largest operations down to the smallest associations with a handful of members. Our scheme aims to give back in a meaningful way to any organisation that can use the Free Charity Wristbands and put them to good use. Here is a list of voluntary organisations in Malta who are making a difference across the island by helping those in need.
Silicone Wristbands are available as plain without print but are more commonly fully customized to include logos and text in full colour. They are available in both adults and children’s sizes depending on how they are expected to be distributed. Many Maltese charities sell their custom printed wristbands at events for a small fee and it makes the product so popular as it raises funds and awareness. As the wristband can be removed easily and then reapplied it allows for anyone wearing them, such as volunteers or donators, to take the wristband off when required. If you can think of a local charity or voluntary organisation who would qualify for the scheme offer please share this link with them as we hope to reach out to as many people as possible. Here we detail how organisations use Custom Bracelets in Malta by either selling them at fundraisers or giving them out to increase their profile.
Silicone Wristbands
Our DOUBLE UP SCHEME is open and available to all local charities or voluntary organisations located in either Malta or Gozo. It will run from 1st May until 31st December 2021 and we hope that it will make a small difference for those helping out others. Malta Wristbands will supply Free Charity Wristbands by doubling the amount of bands to any organisation who place an order for at least 100 silicone wristbands. To keep the scheme as simple as possible we will top-up 100% any order for silicone wristbands free of charge. As an example of how an order could be placed if an organisation was looking to purchase 500 custom printed wristbands for an upcoming event, the DOUBLE UP SCHEME would mean that 250 bands would be charged for and 250 would be free. On the same idea but with a smaller order, if 100 customized wristbands are ordered to include text or logo, the organisation would receive 200 for the price of 100.
The scheme is available for all custom printed silicone bands and we would normally suggest using the most popular type of finish – the printed finish. This is quite simply where the logo and/or text is printed onto the surface of the wristband for a smart and colourful end product. It is the most common as it is the cheapest type of silicone wristband and it is also a fast production time of approximately 10-14 days from confirmation. For more information on all three types of finishes available for silicone wristbands you can click here for more information or look at the image below. For more information about the scheme or to apply send your details to info@maltawristbands.com together with any details of the required design and we will reply with a digital proof for you of how the wristbands will appear.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions of the DOUBLE UP SCHEME;
Available to all registered charities or NGOs in Malta
Offer valid from 1st May until 31st December 2021
This scheme is not available in conjunction with any other offers or discount codes
A charity or organisation can only make use of this offer once during period of validity
The maximum amount of Free Charity Wristbands to be donated per order will be capped at 500 units for any Custom Printed Silicone Wristband orders made via our website
The minimum amount of Customized Silicone Wristbands to order to qualify for the scheme is 100 units of one design
All types of finish are available under the terms of the scheme; either printed, debossed or debossed colourfil wristbands
All orders benefitting from the scheme will include small internal print carrying the Malta Wristbands website – this text is not visible when the band is worn.
The charity is requested to upload a website page or social media post that includes a link to the Malta Wristbands website
For further information please contact info@maltawristbands.com speak to us on live chat or call 99990566